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Monday, October 7, 2013

Code Enforcement Commission to Save the Name of The Good Old Boys

Having spent the last decade listening to countless efforts to DEFAME the GOOD OLD BOYS of our great City…I have come to realize that the name has a broader meaning throughout the nation.  I TOO AM A GOOD OLD BOY !

I feel I am able to say this because I represent the character of a Good Old Boy; someone who Believes in God, Believes in Family Values, and WHO LOVES HIS COUNTRY. 
There are a whole lot of us who can relate to these values. Both men and women can proudly say they are, in their own way, a GOOD OLD BOY.
At yesterday’s City Council Meeting (Oct.3rd 2013) as I listened to our present mayor I recalled him recently stating, and laying claim to being a Good Old Boy.  Well, there sure are a lot of us who are.

Which brings me to my point.   When actions are taken or postponed by duly  ELECTED officials and others under their supervision who are known or thought to be “Good Old Boys” and who are perceived to be closely associated with one another, and when a blind eye to enforcement of the law (City Codes & Ordinances) appears to take place in in favor of an individual, business or company…The DEFAMATION of the term “Good Old Boys” takes place.
In order to protect and remove the demeaning image from all of us who can lay claim to being or are thought to be a Good Old Boy, I recommend removing the temptation/opportunity to act in a questionable behavior in the confines of limited public exposure.  The seed of doubt is planted when the head of SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT ARISES. When CODE ENFORCEMENT is to take place and not subjected to the Light of Day.

A CODE ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION designed to oversee enforcement application and techniques will bring Public Exposure to those charged with the duties and responsibility of seeing to it, in efforts to see that codes are applied equally and fairly. A Commission charged with the responsibility of evaluating the necessity of each code and determining the value of keeping the code on the books.      
My friends, there is a marked difference between an elected official who knowingly acts to restrict and/or remove commissions from the arsenal of Transparency and one who moves to create opportunity for the Light of Day to enter into the arena of accountability for our Elected Officials.
A CODE ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION may very well save the good name and reputation of the term, “Good Old Boy’.  Please join with me in helping to establish such a commission and supporting with your vote individuals dedicated to Transparency in City Government. 

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