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Monday, October 28, 2013

A New Broom Sweeps Clean

The newspaper headline calls for POLICE INVESTIGATION of city officials, MAYOR and A Sitting COUNCILMAN included.

Your first response to stunning allegations of misconduct may be to ask yourself, WHAT IS GOING ON IN OUR CITY? 
How could things have gone so bad so quickly without the public knowing about it?  It may very well be that THINGS like SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT have been going on for a long time but in this new era of communication, incumbents can no longer keep a lid on THINGS as they have in the past.

Using clichés like "You Can’t Put the Toothpaste Back In the Tube", OR "now The Cats Out Of The Bag"...The question is HOW do we choose to deal with this developing crises in city government?
May I respectfully remind citizens that in our judicial system of governing we have traditionally allowed that a person IS to be presumed INNOCENT until proven GUILTY.
We may take solace in knowing that this Election there are NO incumbents for City Council running for re-election and there will be a New Broom cleaning City Hall.
The call for police to investigate allegations involving the Mayor brings forth the issue of CONFLICT of INTEREST.  Should the Chief of Police or City Attorney be placed in the position of investigating or prosecuting their Boss?
This on its face appears highly inappropriate. Please note that Utah Election Laws, section 10-3-928 (2) (Duties of City Attorney) reads……May prosecute under state law, infractions and misdemeanors occurring within the boundaries of the municipality.  The key word is MAY.
Sub section (6) reads, may designate a city attorney from another municipality or a public prosecutor to prosecute a matter, in the court having jurisdiction over the matter, if the city attorney has a conflict of interest regarding the matter being prosecuted.  CLEARLY A CONFLICT OF INTEREST exists for both the Chief of Police and City Attorney.
It is time to have an INDEPENDENT investigation conducted on all matters that have been brought to the forefront during the past few months. It’s the RIGHT thing to do.

ED BACA, candidate for city council.

Vote for Ed on November 5th. Thank you.

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