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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

City is a Beehive of Activity: Bees of All Persuasions Asked to Join City Improvement Efforts

May 22nd City Council Meeting was advertised as a Regular Meeting instead of a Workshop Meeting as the Council was to vote on Lease and Services Agreements.

FIRST out of the chute was unanimous approval being given to the St. George Musical Theater for a 5 year lease of the Opera House ……That will usher in the long awaited return of wholesome Family Entertainment. Mr. Bruce Bennett, representing SGMT reported that the agreement will provide for a two year lease with 3 one year extensions afterwards. SGMT will open with a presentation of “Sound of Music”…… Auditions took place for character parts and it was noted that 95% of those who auditioned were “New People with New Interests”. The fall season is scheduled to begin on September 4th. It is anticipated that a Teaser Show will be offered in July and announcements will be made in local media outlets.  Welcome Back SGMT! ….. Well Done to City Staff, Mayor and City Council who worked diligently to make this a reality.

The NEXT buzz of activity had to do with the building of WATER TANK to supply Stone Cliff residential community. Alfa Engineering was awarded $42,565.00 to help build this new tank located at the TOP of the hill. Council approved city participation in cost (The city is building and Stone Cliff side is to be given 30 months to pay city for cost of pump. A pump station is required due to height, gravity issues). FOLKS, some of us may find comfort in knowing that this Exclusive High Cost community known as Stone Cliff is given the opportunity to pay more for their water costs than the rest of us due to the elevation and pump station requirements. The City does work with Developer to help as much as it can to ease the cost of building.

NEXT the bees continued to swarm around the conceptual site plan for Fiesta Fun somewhat outlined in last week issue. Owner and City are to meet next Monday or Tuesday and continue/finalize issues that include Roadway Design and participation of Washington County School District. Cost split between the three participants is yet to be worked out as it pertains to the extension of the road that would greatly enhance school bus routes. This continues to be a prime example of what an effective City Manager can accomplish by bringing involved parties to the bargaining table.  Good job Mr. Esplin.

NEXT, beginning with Fire Chief Stoker the discussion centered on 2014-2015 Fiscal Budget.

Fire Chief Stoker presented his case for an increase of $112,000 to $115,000. Minimal amount…..  given the heavy growth experienced by the City. Span of control issues are yet to be worked out as they pertain to creating position for two Battalion Chiefs who are to supervise each shift. It was nice to learn that future building of Fire Station in Little Valley will not take place in Flood Plain. ( Developer expected to assist with new site location).

CATACLYSM of activity is taking place as it pertains to the management of City Golf Courses.  Many will be quick to state…..It’s about time! Especially if you take time to consider the number of years we had to listen about the $500,000 deficit the city budget experienced at the hands of the Golf Course Business Entity. As I understand it, Golf Pros will no longer be Independent Contractors ……Instead they will be given the opportunity of becoming City Employees at a much reduced cost to the City. (This is to be formally announced in the very near future.)  The City is expected to reap the benefit of Sponsoring Tournaments and will manage the Pro-shops, Merchandising and Food Concessions.  Those employed to work in sales may be given commission incentives …..(A more customer friendly atmosphere for golfer and a greater financial return is expected for city taxpayer).This has been a very difficult period for all involved in this meaningful transition. Recognizing that GOLF generates $800,000,000 annually in the State of Utah ….. The importance on how the City manages four City Golf Courses cannot be overly emphasized. Mayor Pike is believed to have played a pivotal role in guiding City Council to act on this matter. The contribution and sensitivity displayed by City Manager, Esplin ….. In coming to grips with Doing what is in the best interest of the City deserves recognition.

Like it or not, it’s that Old Beehive Spirit …. The ability to work and sacrifice, the attitude, “Prove me now herewith”, that motivates us.   

Thank you, Ed Baca        

Given the will to do so we can accomplish Code Enforcement Reform.

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