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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

City Council Reaches Out. Caring, Kindness Dispels Stigma of Oppression Attached to City

February 27th Council Meeting provided the opportunity to address the stigma of “OPPRESSION” described in local news articles following the last municipal election….. This, I believe unjustly painted an ugly and false picture of the people of St. George. 
Recognizing that the city is NOT perfect….. Acknowledging we have detractors…..who through IGNORANCE or PREJUDICE act inappropriately and who’s behavior the majority of us find to be unacceptable and undesirable does not justify painting the entire community as not caring or insensitive to the needs and concerns of those deemed not to be a part of the cultural majority.

It is fair to say that we….. The majority of us ….. Individually and Collectively….. Strive to represent the City of St. George as a respecter of Human Rights…..regardless of Religious or Political affiliations.

In rebuttal to the heartfelt feelings of “Oppression” I commend the forward thinking and actions of Mayor Pike…..Who in his effort to do the right thing may have unknowingly showed the true picture of our community. Mayor Pike moved the city forward….. Established a Committee to listen to the needs of American VETERAN’S…..Just as we should listen to all those who may feel “Oppressed” by circumstances beyond their control.

Validation of City’s True Character:

Lead off Agenda Item featured Bruce Solomon, Readjustment Counselor at the local Veteran’s Center. Mr. Solomon made it abundantly clear that he appreciated speaking to Veteran Issues and was grateful for the newly formed City Veteran’s Committee which made it possible to speak publicly not only as a surviving Viet Nam Veteran but also as a victim of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Seeking to create public awareness of psychiatric (PTSD) issues by describing the mind-set of soldiers and the consequences of war…..Mr. Solomon explained that soldiers are taught….. Do Your Job…..Take Care of Your Buddy…..Be Hyper Vigilant….. Instinctive Survival Reaction….. All of which come home with them when returning to civilian life. These traits may be manifested in interaction between veteran and law enforcement.

Mr. Solomon touched on the difficulties of veterans returning to living with normal folks, marriage and family issues exacerbated by alcohol or substance abuse. Excessive time spent in video gaming, seeking to experience combat like challenges. Situations which cause withdrawal and avoidance of family and public contacts….. PTSD…..the walking wounded. Mild to Severe cases fearing death from anywhere.

Mr. Solomon stated “PTSD” does not make you a killer, the biggest threat to veterans is themselves”. Mr. Solomon candidly shared that he had been saved while receiving treatment when he revealed to caregivers that he had scheduled for himself a suicide date two days from his date of treatment.

The Veterans of our community are to meet with local judges to address the issues of Driving under Influence and Domestic Violence. These efforts are supported by newly formed City Veterans Committee.

I believe this open and frank discussion presented by Mr. Solomon highlights the True Character of the people of St. George.

(Epitomized by city’s commitment to serve mankind).

A person may choose to be….. “Oppressed” or Offended by the actions of misguided individuals but I prefer to be grateful for the opportunity to live among people who share my values of service and kindness to others. I fully expect Mayor Pike to continue with efforts expressed by the Veteran’s Committee and the future formation of Citizen’s Community Relations Council that will allow for expression of differing points of view as we seek to improve the quality of life in our community.

Please forward you concerns on city issues.
Thank you, Ed

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