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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Council Workshop Showcases Ability to Listen & to Report - Decisive Action Results

February 13 Council Workshop Meeting began at 4PM and for me ended at 8PM…Council members and city staff remained in CLOSED session. (Not Open to Public).  I suspect Civil Litigation and Property Purchase issues were to be discussed. (Wouldn’t it be Good for Public to know how much taxpayer money has been paid to those filing claims against the city, and why?    Enable Public to intelligently gage job performance of Council and City Staff thus securing accountability).
My friends, while meeting was long, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed this meeting… Not only because I found it to be productive, but in the way it was managed and directed… Mayor Pike drew in community participants and City Manager blended in (Not Dominating)… Sharing years of experience and knowledge of city issues…Resulting in decisive action being taken by COUNCIL. (By his demeanor, City Manager clearly affirms that COUNCIL is RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE for decisions made. City Manager’s execution of decisions can/should be open to Public Scrutiny… Especially Law and Code Enforcement Issues. The BUCK stops at Council’s feet).
I was impressed…because no one person dominated the issues or discussion thereof…It really appeared as a joint effort to administrate city business. Items approved related to building of Seegmiller Park and Dixie Care and Share… Expansion and property site purchase and proposed arrangements.
IF… WE CAN WORK SO WELL TOGETHER FOR HONORABLE CAUSES… WHY? ... Cannot cohesive implementation of Code Enforcement (That does not encourage/result in the City being sued and which often is described as Good Old Boy Activity… Favoritism peddled for Money or VOTES … Continue to thrive?) …  And the very establishing of Ordinances (The fact that such chaos is perceived to be in-acted for votes or monetary gain… Boggles the mind… to be practiced openly in a city of honest men and women engaged in city government.  Political Cronyism appears alive and well as evident by pending law suits and investigations).  WHY? Has this been allowed to fester for so long a period of time… Who profits from such behavior and WHO is ultimately responsible?  DO YOU see a similarity between those that run the Federal government and Local government practices. Has St. George become a mirror image of the country… Get what you can for yourself and disregard the greater good of the city by ignoring implementation of righteous behavior?
Perhaps it is true that Power Corrupts…But does it follow, that citizen’s should join in the chaos by ignoring what is going on before their eyes as it pertains to Law and Code Enforcement ? Let us be part of the solution. Demand accountability by those entrusted to govern and manage our city. 
STEPPING OFF THE SOAP BOX… I am pleased to report to you that Tom and Patsy Lamb, representing the Mountain Meadows Massacre Association presented a beautiful quilt that depicted a difficult period of Mormon history. The desire to make amends to Family and Descendants of those who lost their lives was supported by the LDS Church. The council approved the Quilt to be displayed at Pioneer Court House.  Kudos to Tom and Patsy Lamb for all their community work.
The City Council joined by members of the press traveled by bus in an old and rickety looking bus (Good to see Council being frugal…perhaps they will be able to find funds for air monitoring equipment) to Little Valley and toured the area which featured a stop at the future Hela Seegmiller Park. The kind and generous donation of land by the Seegmiller family will highlight Pioneer Era accomplishments. Council ok’s.
City Manager’s recognition of the imposing needs in the Little Valley Community did not go unnoticed. Main concerns of residents are for public safety (Speeding Traffic) and road construction. Seegmiller Park is sure to increase the flow of traffic as it moves to becoming a Major Regional Park. How high on the priority list the council will place on a 24hr. Fire Station, Water considerations and Density issues remains to be seen. The city appears to be trying to catch up with building permits issued and meeting public safety issues brought by uncontrolled growth.
Adam Dunn and Tim Martin, representing Dixie Care and Share presented a proposal to purchase 3 acres of land north of Highway 15 in the Industrial Park area…..well within city limits and transportation needs. The cost estimated to be between 2.5 and 3 million dollars is expected to meet future growth. Year Around Shelter, Transitional Housing and Soup Kitchen needs will eventually be accommodated at this new site.  The Old site will be turned over to the city who has up to now been the main contributor to Dixie Care and Share. The LDS Church will be asked to contribute $800,000 and surrounding cities will be asked for $300,000. While St. George remains the major contributor the State of Utah and other assets are to be brought into the process of caring for the poor and needy of Washington County. Council approved moving forward.
Please continue to forward your concerns on city issues. 
Thank you. -Ed

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