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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Transparency Arrives

Like a fresh breath of spring, TRANSPARENCY entered the City Council Meeting and the new broom (Mayor Pike) began spring cleaning. As he eased in to the agenda, a new management style became clearly evident.

You could tell by the look on the faces of those present that they were comfortable and eager to join the process of doing the peoples' business.

Mayor Pike began the meeting by inviting Councilman Almquist to lead us in the Flag Salute and Councilwoman Randall was asked to conduct the Invocation.  Regardless of how you many feel about opening exercise, we can ALL celebrate the fact that we yet have the FREEDOM to do so.

The Administrative Conference Room, where Workshop Meetings are routinely held, was filled to capacity. I could not help but notice that at least 3 candidates who applied to fill the vacated council seat created by Mr. Pike’s promotion to mayor were present. The remaining 21 applicants who indicated a desire to serve on the council were, to my knowledge, not in attendance for reasons unknown.

I had the pleasure of sitting next to Mari Smith who represented Southern Utah Home Builders Association.  On December 1st. Mari was called to replace Carol Sapp as the new Executive Officer for SUHBA. Best wishes to Carol and Mari.

The first order of business was council approval for the County to be given authorization to use a city building located on the Old Airport site. Dean Cox, County Administrative Manager (and husband to applicant wishing to fill vacated city council seat) made the request due to a recent fire that destroyed USU Extension office. A fine example of inter-agency cooperation.

Next on the agenda; Bloomington Community Council, led by Mr. Gayle Maxwell, submitted a request for the City to support their efforts to have 4 Pickle Ball Courts built in their community. Bloomington residents would contribute as much as $25,000 to the project they estimated to cost approximately $52,000.

The City estimated the cost to be closer to $190,000 and some discussion took place as to drainage and lighting costs and as to who’s cost estimates were most accurate. It was concluded that further discussion between the two parties needed to take place to determine the actual cost of the project.

My friends, here is where it really became interesting.  I thought that City Manager Gary Esplin presented himself at his finest. Mr. Esplin adopted a position as the Senior member of this administrative body and acting as a true professional and credit to his office, he methodically directed the discussion giving new council members a lesson on how the expenditure of city funds can be accessed and successfully budgeted. The lesson highlighted his expertise on use of Capital Funds, Park Impact Fees, and funding opportunities in this or next year’s budget.  The matter was continued to the next regular meeting.

The very important issue of Mixed Use Zoning was examined. Mr. Randy Wilkinson, Developer for a major and historic Downtown project, was present and it was determined that further detailed discussion was warranted. The matter was continued with City Manager Gary Esplin voicing his opinion that he had no objection to getting an RDA for the area in question.

THE MOST PROMISING AND ENCOURAGING words of this council meeting were spoken by Mayor Pike. First, the mayor requested each council member to share/give their input on any issue they might deem important and directed them to report on activities of Committee’s and/or Boards on which they sit and represent the city. These reports are to routinely take place at the end of ALL future council meetings.  The importance of this action CANNOT be over emphasized!  It ushers in an era of TRANSPARENCY and provides a sorely missed element of government…PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY.

               ATTITUDE is a little thing that makes a BIG difference.

Thank you, Ed

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