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Wednesday, November 6, 2013


As we find ourselves enjoying the warm, embracing weather that only St. George can provide in November, one has to feel a spirit of gratitude for the beauty that surrounds us. 

 Each of us possesses within ourselves, the level of appreciation to be given…….and I believe we each know who is to be the recipient of our heartfelt Gratitude. 
I am grateful that on November 5th we were able to exercise our freedom and VOTE for the candidate of our choice.  Those elected to public office have assumed a great responsibility…….  Given to them by those who entered the voting booth, in equal standing with fellow citizens, regardless of wealth or station in life……each had but one vote to give, no more and no less than their neighbor.
 We should all be grateful that we live in a country that allows us to exercise this very special freedom. The first step is taken when we vote. The next step is to sustain those we voted for by contributing with an oversight that will enable them to measure the actions they take on the public’s behalf.
As Thanksgiving Day approaches I pray that we as citizens of St. George will come together to help improve and strengthen the fabric that makes this community the most desirable place to live, work and raise our families.
Thank you one and all, present and past citizens of St. George for the contributions and sacrifices made and for those yet to be made. The future of St. George is bright not because of who was elected…… but because of the PEOPLE who make up this community we call St. George. 

Thank you.     ED BACA

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