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Tuesday, June 14, 2016


YOU may not…..Then again, maybe you do agree with me. We live in a land blessed by our creator called the United States of America. We have been given something called the Constitution….Freedom of Speech and Religion.

Is there a price to pay? For those who don’t agree you may accept the aforementioned freedoms as part and parcel of living in this great country, or as an entitlement. It just comes with the territory.

For those of you who do agree recognize there is a price to pay. You simply exercise your agency and keep your commandments. You pay by fulfilling your Civic Responsibility…..You follow the laws of your country and you participate in selecting our leaders by VOTING as your conscious dictates. No one tells you which political party to attach yourself to or who to vote for. It’s your choice.

Whichever camp you are in, YOU have an opportunity to fulfill your Civic Responsibility. On JUNE 28th you have the opportunity to VOTE in the Primary and on NOVEMBER  8th THE GENERAL ELECTION.

If for example you have an interest in our SCHOOLS and have a concern about Common Core and its impact on our children you may wish to vote for a member of the School Board…..Who has clearly addressed and not danced around this issue.

If you have an interest in who serves as your State Representative you may wish to vote for Brooks or Kemp. Which of the two for example, will work with the State Legislature to ensure Zoning Laws concerning Short Term Leasing or related matters will be respected within your city.

If you have an interest on who will best serve the 3rd position on the County Commission you may wish to vote on who should be on the General Election Ballot…..Either Gil Almquist or Dean Cox. Folks, this is where the rubber meets the road on issues that will impact your daily life. It is a BIG DEAL. They are both qualified…..but there is a difference. Which one will best compliment the other two Commission Members and who will work best with elected city officials within Washington County. Who do YOU think will perform and work to meet the standards you have placed upon yourself?

It’s your call. Please fulfill your civic duty…..Study the issues and Study the Candidate. Talk with your friends and neighbors and VOTE.  When elected into office, “They become our servants. That is the spirit of the Constitution.” (David O. McKay  1952).

Thank you.  ED BACA (Available for public contact each Thursday between the hours of 9AM to 11AM at SG City Hall.)